Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Manly Issue #1 - Just A Bit More Cow...Hide

In each post I’ll reflect on a dilemma that we’ve all dealt with, and where most of us have failed to have success.  They will be issues concerning anything we deal with as men in a modern and fashion-conscious society. 

Now, you’re probably asking yourself, where does this guy get off?  And your inner monologue would be barking up a very accurate tree.  I’ve dealt with a lot of situations where I ultimately failed, and failed miserably. I’m just willing to write about what I know, on-the-money, or not.

Manly Issue #1 – Just A Bit More Cow…Hide        

With Clint

You’re probably thinking this is going to get deep.  Clint’s going to blow our minds with some insightful garble that’ll have us twisting and turning tonight.  Well, get off your seat and stand and then sit back down again because you’re way off.  I want to address the issue we've all had with leather.  We see it on other guys and think it's cool but it's just not for us.  But rest assure, we could all use a leather jacket in our closet.

Every self-respecting man has probably imagined himself donning a leather jacket.  You watched one episode of Happy Days and caught a glimpse of the Fonz and thought, “yep, I could wear that”.  You go even further within your inner-scenario and prove to yourself how great you’d look wearing it.  Don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all been there. 

But the catch is that hardly any of us really go for it.  We get intimidated by the thought of being imasculated and punked by a leather-wearing motorcycle gang.  We think, “what if someone mistakes me for a tough guy?  It’s just the jacket, I promise.”   If you haven’t thought about it and played out your reactions in your head, then you’re lying to yourself. But get over it.  Leather jackets, if done right (there is a definite wrong and right way), can become a staple in any man’s wardrobe. 

The “Break-Down”

Color-Conscious – Guys are not looking for something splashy or in your face.  The subtlety of a brown (light or dark) enhances the overall depth of an outfit.  And since it’s a jacket, you can wear it with just about anything at anytime.   Leather jackets can be used as the main focus of what you’re wearing, or it can be used to tie up all the outfit loose-ends.  It’s consistent.

The overall tone of the jacket is where we get confused.  For the riskier dude, the light tones (like a honey brown) give off more of an adventurous appeal.  It’s a little more “trendy” and casual.  The light tones can become dated, as we’ve seen through the years.  But if styled and cut just right (always go for fitted and traditional stitching), no man should be throwing away a lighter brown jacket any time soon.

For those more classy gents, a dark brown leather serves any purpose. It can be worn any season, any year, and still have that effortless yet pulled-together look.   It’s a safer option that will last longer in a well-rounded wardrobe.

No matter what color, the leather jacket wrangles together any look.  Pair it with some jeans and a white t-shirt, you’ve got a casual look that your lady-friend would be pleased with (almost Fonz-esque).  And on a different night, you could class it up with some slacks and a dress shirt for a date.  Easy, low-maintenance, and on fashion point.

Confidence Boost - When you’ve got some leather on, it’s inevitable you’re going to feel just a little bit more manly.  It may be a little hard to get over seeing yourself taking a leather risk, but you’ll get used to it.  Remember, no one in public really cares what you wear as long as you look like you want to be wearing it.  If you make them believe it, you’re golden. 

Leather is raw and real.  Women equate leather to strength and virility.  So don’t be shocked if the lady in your life (or potential lady) isn’t ashamed to let you know how good you look.

Forever Yours – I’m cheap.  I think most guys are.   So I’m not afraid to admit that when I’m looking for clothes, I’m looking for something either cheap or something that will last me a long time.  I do not have the cash-flow to buy “on-trend”, nor do I have the cajones to keep changing up my wardrobe to keep up with the times.  So I stick with neutrals and traditional styles.  I do not buy clothes that have words on them, or items with a lot of design elements.  When buying an item based on price, you’re looking for something that will work for now.  When buying something with the intention of keeping it for a long time, it’s all about return on investment.

So imagine the leather jacket through the years, in movies and magazines. It definitely has evolved through the times, but there is nothing more classic and long-term than the leather jacket.  In most stores, we will still see leather jacket styles that mimic the one made famous by James Dean… over 50 years ago.  Leather and brown are two things that won’t go out of style.

Look at this dude, nothing cooler and more classic.  That could be you.  But remember, this does not abdicate smoking.  But you’ll look cooler if you do.

A little cow-hide never hurt nobody, but it sure has helped.

Worthy deals, my friend.

Zara - All styles and materials (some not leather, but give the appearance of leather.  And it's much cheaper)
Ralph Lauren - Expensive but will always be "what's up"


  1. That is good advice, only problem is that when I wear a leather jacket I am a tough guy

  2. You fall into a more seasoned wearer.

    1. You made a hella good post, Clint. Keep'em coming.
