Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Manly Issue # 3 - WonderFALL Duds

Summer is headed out the seasonal door.  And squeezing into our hearts and minds is our chilly-weathered friend, Fall.  Knowing that colder weather is upon us, I started looking into some of the trends around the fashion world.  As I’ve discussed in previous posts, I’m not much of a trends guy.  I stick with basics.  I’m a safe dresser, you could say.  But that doesn’t mean I do not like to know what’s fashionable or “in-season”.  I like to compare what I already have with what’s “en vogue” and work similar items into my daily wardrobe.
So let me break down what I’ve seen from many reputable sources as some of the clothing items to watch this Fall season.  I’ve taken what I’ve come across out in the world and added my own commentary.
Cardigan – Modern and slim-fitted.  Updated with a hint of grandpa-swag.  I like the throw-back look, with a patch or dated color.  Nothing wrong with that.  Most of what you’ll find is something too modern and trend-heavy, relying on a bright color or pattern to stand out.  That’s not what I go for.  If you’re going to wear a cardigan, pick something basic and clean.  If you’re willing to go for it, try something with a subtle pattern.
Pinstriped Pants  - Again, the perspective is to have a modern fit with clean lines.  The key here is to have subtle stripes, nothing zoot suit or big band about it. 
Argyle – Most of these items on this list will have a hint of old people.  But I don’t shy away.  You can make an argyle sweater as modern and contemporary as anything else.  It’s all about how you work it in.  Keep everything else simple.  Know what works best and what your comfortable with color-wise, and work the argyle around that.  (or maybe just wear some argyle socks)
Blazer/Sports Jacket – Unfortunately, this is where the lines of “Fall” become a little muddied.  A blazer and sports jacket are staples all-year round.  No need to do anything special with these items, wear what you’ve got and keep updating the entire year.  Just keep it simple.
Flat-Front Twill Pants – If you’re going to buy pants, buy flat-front.  Plain and simple.  It’s cleaner and more modern.  Pants with a bunched waist line looks dated and widens you out.  Seriously, go to the closet and throw them away, you’re not doing yourself or your closet any favors with those. 
As far as the twill goes, I could take it or leave it.  You can find good twill pants, but if they are not made just right, they can look messy.  The ones that hold up well and are fitted even better come at a hefty price, and for most, it’s just not worth it.  Twill, for me, is too formal to wear casually.  So unlike most pants you wear to the workplace, twill is not as versatile at night.  They are limiting and costly, but if you’ve got the closet room and budget, they can be a worthy investment.
Jeans – No clue why jeans is on Fall-watch lists.  There is nothing more “wardrobe-staple” than a pair of jeans, no matter the season.  I leave it on this list as a reminder to keep it basic, dark, and modernly-fitted.
My Own Fall-Staple –                                                                                                                
Tan Sweater – This sweater lingers between a medium tan and a gold.  I could wear it just about any day with just about any thing.  Wear it under a blazer or over a button-up, it’s going to look professional, clean, and fashion-forward.  Even though this color can look a little aged, I don’t see anything wrong with that; especially for Fall, when everything is more visually subdued.  But the interesting thing about this particular color is that it’s not as basic or traditional as you’d think.  It’s light enough to be eye-catching in a season filled with dark browns and blacks, but its neutrality renders itself to tons of options.  Versatile yet interesting.  Basic yet modern.
Stay warm, look fly.

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